Undulating Usher Under Umbrellas

Last Spring V. and I were meeting up at the train station to travel together to our end-of-service conference in Chengdu; I got to the train station first and it was an uncharacteristically sort-of sunny day (one of our five days of sunshine a year, whoot!) so I sat outside to wait for him. A couple of Chinese grandmas and grandpas came over to find out A: "What are you doing in China?" and B: "Where is your umbrella, young lady, that sun is going to turn you brown!"

One of the grandmas clucked her displeasure at my insistence that I liked the sunshine and didn't mind if I got a little darker. She stood next to me holding an umbrella over my head anyway, like I was an Egyptian queen on a barge (but there were no be-loincloth-ed men around, darn it). Chinese grandmas do what they want. Just as she was giving me another speech about my poor sun judgment and how it was going to make me too dark, V. walked up; his complexion is a little darker than mine, and grandma looked like she was going to have a stroke when she saw him. One foreigner with no sun-sense was bad, but what was she going to do about two?? She only had one umbrella!

Luckily this was a good excuse to get out of there, and out from under her umbrella. V. and I had a good laugh about it. We had a running joke that every time we were supposed to meet up, he'd find me surrounded  by people trying to talk to me/boss me around. It did happen quite a bit. I miss my adventures with V.


I love Usher; his music can be very sensual, which is a quality I admire in music. (And men.) Especially when I'm dancing to it. Ain't no shame in Usher! A few of my favorite songs:

Here I am!  (I think this video got me pregnant.)

Usher and Pitbull in the same video? Swoon. 

An oldie but a goodie. Pretty sure this was the song playing when I snapped a bra strap while dancing at 3 a.m. at club 'No. 88' in Chongqing. Yeah, I'm hardcore like that.


'Undulating' is one of my top ten favorite words. Is there any mistaking what tone you mean when you say 'undulating'? It's probably the least-wholesome non-cuss word there is. Undulating. There, what are thinking of, right now?? Exactly.


LL Cool Joe said…
Usher is brilliant. He can do both dance tracks and ballads equally well. It's very rare for me not to include at least one of his songs when I'm doing a gig.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Great. I think I am pregnant too.
Love Usher...he is so darn talented. And easy on the eyes. Hence my new baby.
I am laughing about your umbrella/Grandma situation. Whenever I think about China, I always think about the older women telling you what to do....you have talked about this before and it is such a wonder to me.
I will undulate wherever I go for the rest of the day. {proudly showing my new baby bump!}

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