I Forgot V!
NOTE: Um, I just realized I didn't forget V; V is for Vixen. I'm sorta dumb sometimes. But I wrote all this, so I'm leaving it up.
Sometimes I mess up the alphabet. UVW/KLM, I always have to stop and think about the order of those letters. Is it just me? Okay then.


Holy shnikies those are some high-heeled shoes!
Sometimes I mess up the alphabet. UVW/KLM, I always have to stop and think about the order of those letters. Is it just me? Okay then.
Don't get me wrong, I totally buy into the Beauty Industrial Complex. I own a ton of makeup, I color my hair and shave my legs and pluck my eyebrows and exfoliate and moisten and shine or un-shine, as needed. And I like doing it.
But it's a good message to be reminded of: I'm awesome just for being me. In all the world, no one else is me. (If you know me, maybe you are thinking this is a good thing!) No one is replaceable. I cherish my friends, and I hope they know how much I value them for being individuals and who they are.
I also love my little violin I started playing in 3rd grade. It's a 1/4 size, tiny and cute. (I was a midget until about 8th grade, when I grew 6 inches all at once. So I had a little violin for all those years.) I don't play violin now, but it was a fun childhood hobby. (This was in my apartment in San Antonio.)
I'm known around my office for wearing Very High Heels. People like to comment on how I walk around in them without killing myself. (I guess I just got the Very High Heels gene, because I don't remember NOT knowing how to do this. Thanks, mom!) But even I was astounded by these shoes:
Holy shnikies those are some high-heeled shoes!
I'll stick to my three- and four-inchers. This picture makes them seem almost dowdy!
Do you remember the miniseries 'V'? My family watched it together when it was on tv back in the 80's. I think it's kind of a cult classic now. I just remember the girl eating raw meat and having a lizard baby. I love my family togetherness memories.
Do you remember the miniseries 'V'? My family watched it together when it was on tv back in the 80's. I think it's kind of a cult classic now. I just remember the girl eating raw meat and having a lizard baby. I love my family togetherness memories.
Also Im mega jealous of your "Troy and Abed in the morning" mug. I heart that show so much. I think we all have a lil Abed in us to be honest. Or at least I know a few students that do :)
xoxo Laurie
My treasures start piling up and it looks like I need an intervention from "Clean House."
Oh and those shoes? I too have the high heel gene, but would break some kind of bone if I tried to walk around in those bad boys! wow
Those high heels are amazingly crazy. I wish I had the high heel gene....*cursing my mom*
I don't remember the show V, but surely I will dream of raw meat and lizard births tonight!!!!
Love your lil' violin. :)