'X' Is Kicking My Culo

Guys, I can't think of anything to write about for 'X'. I've been delaying and delaying and...nothing. X marks none of my spots.

Sorry, X.

In lieu of X, here's a picture of me when I was a toddler. I found this picture because V. and I were walking down the street one day and he asked me what my natural hair color is. I told him, "It's pretty close to the color it is now." "But your hair is like three different colors." I remember feeling flattered he'd noticed my hair at all.

So when I got home I dug this out of my electronic files to show him my natural hair color is pretty close to his: black. And also to show him I'd mastered jazz hands at an early age. (Well, my left hand did.)

My favorite part of this picture, though, is my red tights. My mom was always dressed us very fashionably. Pretty sure I was also wearing matching red Buster Brown shoes. I don't think there was a time between ages 1 and 10 I didn't own a pair of red Buster Browns.


Technodoll said…
I don't know what Buster Browns are but I do know you were SO FRICKIN CUUUTE!!


You still are :-D

(bet you still wear red tights, yes? teehee)
Ileana said…
Chica, you're adorable! Que belleza. I had those Buster Brown shoes, too...in every color! :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
I remember buster brown shoes too!
You are the cutest thing ever....**Jazz hands**
Tracey Axnick said…
Absolutely adorable. :)

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