2012 Problems

So my arm got jacked up when an LED ceiling light fell on it IT'S A LONG STORY but the important part is I had 2012 problems, like actually emailing people short messages instead of texting them because it is really awkward to hold a phone and text all in one hand, but I learned the hard way putting the phone on the table is an awkward position to type on a touch screen keyboard and the computer keyboard is much easier but how weird is it to send short emails in 2012? So weird.

Also when I was at the doctor twice this week I had to get my finger pricked and the nurse asked which hand I write with so she could prick the opposite hand and I though for a second and said, 'Neither.' It's true. I type with two hands. I write in a book at home, but that's about 5 minutes out of my day, whereas I type all the live day long. And when the doctor asked me what my job duties were to determine if I needed a doctor's note for my injury and I said, "Well, I type stuff." I didn't get a note, because I can type with one hand on a keyboard. I'm unidextrous. Luckily it's my left side that got hurt because I have a manual transmission. That was the element that mattered.

Our IT guy was in the office next door and I asked him for help and I think he thought I had a computer problem but really I just needed someone to open my glass kombucha tea bottle for me. I think it counts as technical assistance.


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh you poor thing. Yeah 2012 problems LOL.
I do hope you heal quickly though....your texting friends will be missing you!
Rebecca Foster said…
I am feeling much better today, thank you!
Ladder8 said…
If you want something to cheer you up, try this site http://www.wherethehellismatt.com/

He originally went around the world dancing (badly) in front of such landmarks as the Pyramids, sponsored by Stride gum. His story is pretty good, and his videos are priceless.

Have fun and chin up!


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