Tight Tongue, Little Teeth

My little brother is in graduate school for Speech Pathology and I was helping him practice his assessment techniques. He asked me to put the tip of my tongue on the roof of my mouth and open wide. I could barely get my teeth and lips separated. It went something like this:

Him: "Okay, open."
Me: *barely opens*
Him: "No, like this." *touches tongue to roof of his mouth, opens wide*
Me: *barely opens* "I'm trying, that's as far as it will go!"
Him: "Seriously, you can't open it any farther? Well, okay..." *records something on his paper*

He assured me I was deformed but it was cool, it wasn't going to hurt anything. Haha. No, he told me it was fine, it just meant my tongue was closely and firmly attached behind my bottom teeth more than other peoples' tongues and I have a high palate to boot.

How did I live this long and not know my tongue is too tight?? Has anyone I've ever kissed wondered, 'Yo, what's up with this chica's tongue?" Is this why I can't roll my R's, even though I am genetically a brown person? Aye dios mio!

Well, the family joke has long been that I got two sets of baby teeth because my teeth are small; they're like half the size of other people's teeth, even though they fit in my mouth so well I never needed braces or straighteners, so there! So in addition to my freakishly small teeth, I have a tight tongue. (They look normal though, from afar.)

Here is a better picture showing how small they are compared to other people's teeth. (I did in fact love that shirt):

Oh well, I've made this far. I'll probably be okay.


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