Living Room With No Couch

I'm starting to get rid of things in my apartment to make it easier when I move and open up the space.

I gave away my sofa and now have a chair, ottoman and floor cushions. I pretty much had all this stuff, I just repurposed it from other rooms. I attached battery operated moon lights underneath the coffee table for a warm ambient glow at night. In the future, I'll replace that chair with something more round and less beige.

Now if I could get rid of my stove/oven and get a half size fridge! I miss the stark functionality of my apartment kitchen in China. A couple of times, I cooked for 20+ in an apartment with no stove, oven, dishwasher, disposal, dining room table or full size fridge. So much of what we consider necessary, isn't.


Matt said…
You're undermining the consumerist economic system.

Just sayin'
Busy Bee Suz said…
Looks good to me: comfy!!!!

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