Dreaming Truths

My dreams sometimes tell me what people won't. Not malicious, dishonest thing necessarily, just the things they are unwilling to tell me because it's awkward, or they don't know how to say it, or they don't think I would want to know.

In NO way do I believe in psychic dreams; I believe our subconscious picks up on the small facts and behaviors that our waking minds can't or won't notice and puts the pieces together for us, and this process manifests itself in dreams.

I've dreamt someone I knew was married, which he neglected to tell me. (Okay, that one was a little malicious on his part.) I've dreamt someone got engaged when in fact they were dating someone else seriously without telling me (but not dating me seriously). These are more extreme examples. Other times it's realizing someone has informally 'checked out' because they met someone else they like better. I've dreamt of other people's sadness or problems and known that something was wrong. I've dreamt of solutions to the obstacles I face in my own life.

Sometimes in meditation, I also receive flashes of insight to guide me. Our minds are powerful.  I wish I could free my waking mind enough to not need dreams to tell me the truth of things. But I do listen to my dreams; so far, they have never led me down the wrong path.


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