Minneapolis Mobile Pics

Last week I went to Minneapolis, which was not only my first time in Minnesota but also my first time in the Midwest; I'd never been west of Virginia north of the Mason-Dixon. It's a fun city! Much more hippy than I thought. I now think of it as the Portland of the middle part of America.

Here are a few cell phone shots; my camera shots I'll post later because I still haven't had time to go through them.

City bike rental program:

Downtown farmer's market:

Farmer's market pickle booth:

Installation art piece at the Minneapolis Institute of Art:

2-story Target in downtown Minneapolis. Target owns that city:

Cool hookah at one of the boutique shops:

I'm going to replace my traditional couch with something like this; wish I could have shipped this back to Utah:

Barn and grain silos outside of Minneapolis:

We stayed a few nights in my dream apartment, a converted industrial loft with 5 pieces of furniture in the whole place:

We bought pickles at the farmer's market, and then it became a thing:


hookah said…
Just love that hookah, so cool!
Rebecca Foster said…
I loved it too, wish I could have afforded it. Thanks!

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