Site Readers

  • If you are reading this because you know me and care about how I'm doing, thank you! I care about you too and hope we are keeping in touch in other ways besides what I write here.
  • If you are reading this because my content matched your keyword, I have taken down posts and Google indexing hasn't caught up yet.
  • I am considering what content I want online, and what format I want that content to be in. I'm still thinking about this. It's good to stop and think about what you're doing every now and then, eh?
  • I spun off all of my China posts to their own site; the link is in the page links above.
  • Comments

    Where did you go??? What are you up to? Do tell
    Busy Bee Suz said…
    I was thinking you were off having fun and all....
    Rebecca Foster said…
    I was doing that too!
    Ladder8 said…
    Got kinda worried about you when I checked the site and saw just clouds and a sunset...

    Thought you were gone for sure.

    Then I realized...

    Maybe it's a sunrise... ;)
    Rebecca Foster said…
    Definitely a sunrise. :)

    Since no one hardly comments anymore, I thought no one was really reading anymore. Next time, I'll post something before I disappear.
    Anonymous said…
    I am just happy to read this after discovering your blog from when you still lived in China (from Bubblegum Diaries Page Comments). I am happy that you still post~

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