Girly Crap: Blotting Papers

I'm a blotter, I admit it. Not in public, but I keep a little pack in my bag and go through them like kleenex. I have semi-oily skin, which is actually awesome because we wrinkle at a much slower rate. But unless you want to reflect back the late afternoon world you encounter, you gotta blot. (This is also the benefit of having olive skin, fewer wrinkles due to greater sun tolerance. If you wear the wrong color you look vomitous and green, but once you learn to live with blue undertone colors and blotting papers, olive/semi-oily skin is actually quite nice in the aging aspect.)

My favorite blotting papers were the rice ones at Bath and Body Works. They came on a little pad and you ripped them off and they were awesome. But they stopped making them. I tried the Body Shop ones, but they are small and too thin, they don't absorb well. Don't get sucked in by the pretty colors and flavors. Green tea sounds great, but really, they don't work that well. So now I use Clean and Clear, which feel somewhat plastic-y but absorb well. Sephora makes the exact same type, but charges $10, compared to C&C $5. (And ten bucks the same manufacturer makes them both, kind of like Victoria's Secret vs. Maidenform. SAME MANUFACTURER, twice the price.) So, if you like those, buy C&C, cheaper and just as effective. And you know I am a Sephora whore, so that is saying something.

If you know of any other good brands, please fill me in.


Technodoll said…
Ooo! I've never tried those before... you mean I don't have to live with this shiny nose? *jumps for joy*

Thanks for the tip! :-)
This is definitely something I can relate to, I'm a BLOTTER.......and mid-day I've gotta use like two of them because my face is way oily! I try to remind myself that in the long run the benefits of the oil will surely outweigh the hassle I go through now. Being Asian is also on my side, we age really well! haha
Anyways I have two different kinds that I like to use: E.L.F. professional 'Shine Eraser', they have about 50 sheets and are very inexpensive. If memory serves me right they were only $1 from their website. I know, but how do you justify an order from them, maybe you'll like some of the other products too. I like their lip glosses which are also only $1.00! But back to the blotting sheets theres are a bit heavier and the sheets are somewhat bigger than the normal ones, and have a woven texture. They are by far my favorite. The other one I have and use are 'Miso Pretty' blotting paper from Blue Q, this is another website, although theres aren't as inexpensive, and the papers are a little flimsy compared to the other kind I currently use. But you may like the stuff on their website too.
Anonymous said…
I used one of those blotter pads at a friend's wedding. I was wrapped up in a tux in 90 degree Canadian sunshine. That, and I'm naturally oily anyway.

I should probably keep some around, I just tend to wash my face a lot instead.
Rebecca Foster said…
Techno: all you get is shiny nose? Lucky!

Jessica: thank you! I will check ELF out. And I agree with you on the Asian skin thing. Asian skin is gorgeous at every age. Jealousy. And I'd have no problem ordering 20 at $1.00 each.

Jeremy: I find they come in helpful around 3PM, when I can't wash but getting a nice day-long sheen. I don't use them a lot at night, just powder up again before I leave the house and wash when I get home.
Psst.....I just got a coupon code from them if you are interested, I can email it to you!! My email is on my blog...........

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