Quick Hits: Three Things

1. The EMT-B class I started this week. Still a bit concerned about the time commitment (3 hour class, 3x a week) and the type of learning, which is far different than what I did for my degrees, but so far I'm really enjoying it. It ends in April and if I pass the class, I can take the licensing test to be an EMT-B in May.

2. This website featuring bridge pictures from around the world. Some stunning shots. I love bridges, love their expanse and views and the simultaneous thrill of thinking you've beaten Mother Nature at the game while hoping at that moment She doesn't decide to take it all back. Airplane crash or bridge collapse? Two of my favorite worries. But I digress. Some of these photos are spectacular. Makes me itch to takes pictures of a great bridge myself.

3. You know that moment just before a man kisses you, when he puts his hands lightly on your face, maybe holding your chin in his fingers, maybe both hands gently framing your face, maybe a soft stroke of your cheek? I love that moment. I love when they let it linger a few seconds. Just a random thought I had. Maybe what I really love is daydreaming.


Technodoll said…
#3 earns the #1 spot in my book... yummy. sigh. awesome blog thought ;-)
Rebecca Foster said…
Glad it's not just me. It's so simple, I think it might be a cliche, or a sign of inexperience, but I still love it.

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