Amphipod Micropack

I bought this to carry my chapstick, lube, extra energy gels and car key during the marathon. Instead of hooking it onto my waistband, I clipped inside the center of my sports bra. I thought it was more comfortable near my center of gravity than on my hip. It worked great, I highly recommend it. (The only downside is it soaked up sweat sitting next to my skin, but it's washable.)
As far as the marathon, I didn't have any injuries or illness, not even a blister. I wear Brooks shoes and Nike wicking socks and they served me well. I ran in a running skirt, rather than shorts, and I recommend that as well, more comfortable in my opinion. I hit the wall around mile 25 and walked a half a mile, but then picked up and ran the last 1/2 mile. I really wanted to cross the finish line running. I took a 1 minute walking break every mile or so throughout.