Quick Hits

Three things:

1. Not having syphilis! I'm going on a trip overseas later this year and the country's visa requires you to prove you're syphilis-free. At the doc's, the nurse came in and asked me, "Did you want a pap smear while you're here?" Nope, I sure didn't. Nurse: "Oh, I just figured since we're already testing for syphilis..." trails off. I explained I don't REALLY think I have syphilis, it's for a visa. I'm sure she gets that all the time. Also, thanks a lot nurse!

2. Harold and Kumar!

3. Big trucks! I'm driving my dad's big black V8 engine truck while my car is in the shop. I can't park it worth beans but I feel like the Queen of Sheba driving it. I want to drive over the top of other cars. My Toyota will seem so small after this.


Congrats on the syphilis dude. I know you were worried. Lol. Your nurse is FUNNY.
Technodoll said…
ooo I saw the trailer for Harold and Kumar, it looks hilarious actually! or maybe I'm just warped. hmm.. If you see it, could you please post a review? :-)
Rebecca Foster said…
Sarah: hehe, you know me. Yeah, she was a riot...

Techno: I won't have a chance to see it until this weekend, but I'll let you know how it goes. I loved White Castle, I watch it all the time. I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old boy, apparently. So if you're warped, I'm right there with ya.
I'm with you on Harold and Kumar, glad I never have to get THE "P" word .

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