Pjur Eros BodyGlide

I picked up a travel-size tube of this silicone lube to carry while running, I use it on my upper thighs and all clothing edge/skin contact places to avoid chafing when going long distances. I noticed how soft my hands were after applying and started using it as hand lotion and on my legs after shaving. Makes your skin feel super-soft and look nice and healthy. It's hypoallergenic and fragrance/dye free, so won't interfere with perfumes or irritate your skin. You can buy this stuff in adult shops, but also on Amazon.com. I highly recommend it in place of lotion.

Pjur Eros on amazon.com, $19.95 ($3.95 for travel size)


Anonymous said…
Okay, so I don't mean to laugh but the image of you running along and then stopping to lube up your thighs, is making me CRACK UP!!! I guess the words lube and thighs just send me over the edge.
1218, she's too much eh?!

too bad I'm one of those people too lazy to lotion!!
Anonymous said…
Sorry, I'm a perv, but you had me at lube. *nod*
Technodoll said…
rrrrrrrrr i love the name... is it like a deo stick? or is it like a lube?
Rebecca Foster said…
1218, glad it is good for a laugh. I supposed the solution is thighs that don't touch at the top. Not that skinny!

WW, humidity is awesome for that. My winter desert adventures are killing me...

J: :D.

techno: I don't know what a deo stick is, so not sure? It is exactly a lube, silicone not water based, so lasts a good long time. Not that that would be useful information to you. ;) Certainly good when you are running 20+ miles!
Technodoll said…
LOL! tsk... lube is life! :-D

I meant was it like a solid deodorant that you slide on your skin - Vegas bought a "body glide stick" for runners last week, so I was wondering if it was the same principle.

Runner's lube. I like that!
Anonymous said…
You bought lube for running? Riiiigggghhhhttttt...

Rebecca Foster said…
Techno: ohhh, duh on me. It is not a stick, it's a liquid. Just a few drops are needed, highly concentrated. I can fit the travel size in my key pocket, very light and tiny. Sounds like the same thing, yes.

Tobe: You know me, I'm an angel. Gosh!

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