I picked up a travel-size tube of this silicone lube to carry while running, I use it on my upper thighs and all clothing edge/skin contact places to avoid chafing when going long distances. I noticed how soft my hands were after applying and started using it as hand lotion and on my legs after shaving. Makes your skin feel super-soft and look nice and healthy. It's hypoallergenic and fragrance/dye free, so won't interfere with perfumes or irritate your skin. You can buy this stuff in adult shops, but also on Amazon.com. I highly recommend it in place of lotion.
Pjur Eros on amazon.com, $19.95 ($3.95 for travel size)
too bad I'm one of those people too lazy to lotion!!
WW, humidity is awesome for that. My winter desert adventures are killing me...
J: :D.
techno: I don't know what a deo stick is, so not sure? It is exactly a lube, silicone not water based, so lasts a good long time. Not that that would be useful information to you. ;) Certainly good when you are running 20+ miles!
I meant was it like a solid deodorant that you slide on your skin - Vegas bought a "body glide stick" for runners last week, so I was wondering if it was the same principle.
Runner's lube. I like that!
Tobe: You know me, I'm an angel. Gosh!