Quotation, plus Drugs

"By heaven, I do love, and it hath taught me to rhyme, and to be melancholy."

Love's Labour Lost, IV.III.332

My problem: boring is worse than bad. I consistently fall for guys whose intentions are not kind, but also not boring. In my dating life, I'm a sad girl with a lot of fun stories. At least I have melancholy to remember them by. Still working on the rhyming.

And you know what? I have a kind heart and perhaps naive intentions, but manage to not bore myself. I'd love to meet a guy like that.

Also, I love Lortab.


Oh, Rebecca. I'm sorry. You are such an amazing person. I hate that your sad. You're in my prayers. Love you.
Jenn-n-n said…

We truly are cut from the same cloth Sister!

Or how about if you don't fall for the bad guy with wrong intentions; you fall for the guy who represents all that is good and decent, but he's not "available" to you.


Let's go drink...
Technodoll said…
he he! was that really you speaking, or the drugs! :-D

On a good note, I have proof that there are exciting GOOD guys out there, it's like fat-free chocolate ice-cream that rocks your world!

Never give up hope. Just the pain meds, haha!
Rebecca Foster said…
Sarah: well you know I am normally happy-go-lucky, but in dating, I am sad. It just seems to not work for me. But thank you. You too. :)

Jenn: EXACTLY.Oh, great idea.

Techno: soooo the drugs talking. I broke my own rule of never blogging about my dating life. But, it is worth it to hear your assurance. I will not give up then. Call me Mulder, I want to believe!

And I have not even taken drugs yet tonight, just so I could post this. :)
Jenn-n-n said…

I'm sad in my dating life too. I think when we get to where we are in life, the men available to us are damaged. Damaged by their ex-wives and their Mommies.

I'm very discouraged by the men I've encountered in my experiences.

So, I'm right there with you on the sad thing.

PS: Have a great trip!!

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