Trying New Things

Saturday, April 19th, my first full marathon. This is why I'm doing it. And because I want to know if I can. But mostly for my dad.


Jenn-n-n said…

I have every faith in you. You CAN do it!!!!! Run at your pace, don't worry about time, keep your mind focused on your goal. You will be fine. Your Dad is with you girl...

You are in my thoughts today and I'm rooting for you!!

It looks like you have a lot of supporters, including me! You definitely have the will to do it, I wish you the best of luck.
You're probably running right now, and I'm saying a prayer for you. You can do it! I love you tons!
Technodoll said…
Good luck my dear! Hope your legs are not aching too much, treat yourself to a hot bubble bath and please tell us all about the marathon when you've recovered! (hugs)
I can't wait to hear how it went, and I just tagged you on my blog...even though you don't really do tags. New things are good.
Unknown said…
Are you going to post how you did? I think it's amazing that you even tried!
Anonymous said…
I'm training for my first marathon! Hope it went well!
Rebecca Foster said…
Hey everyone thank you. I did finish the marathon in a respectable time. Unfortunately I was in a car accident on the way home from the marathon, a girl was speeding, clipped another car, lost control of her SUV and slammed into me, spun me around, then jumped a curb and hit a tree. I am okay, no broken bones or lacerations, but sore and tired now on both my top and bottom halves. Just what I needed after running a marathon! Luckily I have some good meds but need some time to recover. Thank you for your well wishes I shall let you know soon how it all went.
Anonymous said…
Oh Lordy Becca!

Get well soon.
Unknown said…
Congrats on your run, and oh no about your accident.
I'm so glad to hear you're ok! I'll send good thoughts your way and hope you feel better soon.
Technodoll said…
Crap! that is terrible! So glad you're ok... (hugs) and please let us know when you've bounced back!
Anonymous said…
Good for you! I hope it went well. Keep us posted.
congratulations Becca, I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry to hear about the accident, and relieved to hear that you weren't involved in anything more serious. My thoughts are with you...

Rebecca Foster said…
Hey, thank you guys. I will be 100% better soon I am sure. In the meantime, Lortab is one wonderful drug... :)

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