National Civil Rights Museum

In memory today of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a place I recommend every American visit: The National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis, TN. The films, exhibits and artifacts are explicit and detailed and immense, so if possible, take a full day for your visit. It is emotionally draining and at times deeply painful, but along with Ellis Island and Pearl Harbor, a place I wish every American could see at least once. At the end of the museum (which is the hotel where he was killed, converted into a museum) you walk out onto the balcony in the same spot where he was shot while this song by Mahalia Jackson plays on loop in the background. A very solemn and moving place.


Anonymous said…
I would love to take a trip to this site but haven't had a chance. I hope when they build the new MLK Jr. Memorial here in DC it covers this and it just as well done.
Rebecca Foster said…
I hope so too, it is an amazing place. I will have to keep an eye online for what they do with the new D.C. memorial. And I hope you get to see the museum soon, well worth the trip.

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