New York City

I am going back to NYC at the end of this month. Two reasons I love NYC:

1. Geographical freedom. There is just something about knowing you can take a train to JFK and end up anywhere else in the world. Exhilarating.

2. Anonymity in chaos. A great place if you want to be alone; there are so many people, no one notices you unless you want them to. And I find chaos a great tool for focusing. Stimulating.

During Enchanted I had a chuckle at the Evil Stepmother's description of NYC: "A place where there are no happy endings!" I'd have to agree (for reasons I won't get into here, but those of you who know me know what I am talking about). But still love the place.


Technodoll said…
I am six car hours from NYC but have never been. For some reason the size of the place terrifies me - give me green, any green... am I an absurdity?!
Rebecca Foster said…
Girl, they have green there! Central Park! Oh, you gotta go sometime. Very different feel from Montreal, and yes bigger, but you can just stick to a borough or neighborhood if the size is intimidating. Do it!

btw I miss Montreal. Such a neat city. GO HABS.
Anonymous said…
I love, love, love NYC! For all the reasons you do and then some. I definitely thrived on the constant stimulation!
I love New York...and I've only graced the Big Apple with my presence once...for less than a day! I need to go back. What's the reason for the ocassion this time? (Inquiring minds want to know.)
Technodoll said…
LOL@ "go habs" - it's hockey frenzy here at the moment, unbelievable!
Rebecca Foster said…
1218, isn't it just great? Hard to describe, but yeah, you and me both.

Sarah, going for work this time. Yay, someone else paying. And yes, you do! I'd say come meet me, but I know you are swamped right now. Maybe another time.

Techno: hockey players are hot! And I'd like to see the cup back in Canada, I was in Ottawa last year when the Sens beat Buffalo, quite wonderful timing. So now I have a soft spot in my heart for Canadian teams.

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