Sundays at the Firehouse

I spent a 12-hour shift at a local firehouse as part of my EMT-B clinicals. This schedule is posted on their bulletin board. Sunday's task still makes me chuckle. (Click pic to enlarge. And no beer in the firehouse, btw, also a joke.) Although, logically, wouldn't #1 need to be on the schedule only once??

(btw, it is not any warmer on the East Coast than out West. Drat. And if you're wondering why I am inside instead of out wandering about: back sore from the long plane ride. And if my spine doesn't straighten out on it's own, will have to do therapy, so trying to take it easy. Hope to get some good picture taking time in later this week, though.)


btw, nothing at all to do with Firehouses, or firefighters, except for the fact that the show is HOT, I like that you too thoroughly enjoy the office. I watch a re-run on Hulu, everynight before bed. It drives Mackenzie crazy but she does like the show as well.
Technodoll said…
hehe! that was pretty funny :-D

hope your back gets better... being in pain sucks!! are you taking ibuprofen or pain meds?...

and what the hell is this fecking weather?? from summer bliss to wet snow?

*runs away screaming*
Rebecca Foster said…
Johnny, oh, I watch it at night on hulu all the time too, and my iPod, and tell Mack you're in good company.

Techno, I have a weird sense of humor I know, glad someone else finds it funny too. I am taking pain meds if I don't have to drive anywhere for 8 hours or so, ibu for the other times.

I know! It's raining cats and dogs right now. Sitting in my hotel room...waiting to see if it clears up. Gah.
Anonymous said…
You're the dark cloud, Becca.

Didn't rain for 2-1/2 weeks.

Got 2-1/2" Monday at my house.
Rebecca Foster said…
Dal: and now I have a cold. Crap.

*off to take nyquil*

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