Not Being a Wife in 1939
This handy little chart, written in 1939, helpfully calculates whether your wife is a success or a failure (click to enlarge). Red nail polish? Fail. Letting the nanny put the kids to bed? Fail. Eating breakfast naked? Fail. (Although the #8 demerit, that I agree with.) I took the test, based on what I think I'd do. I got 2 raw score points. Fail. Damn you naked breakfast!
And thanks to alert commenter Dal, here is a link to the full survey for both husbands and wives. Thanks Dal!
And thanks to alert commenter Dal, here is a link to the full survey for both husbands and wives. Thanks Dal!
That score card is wiggity whack!
WW: No doubt! I like the churhc/sleeping in one. NICE.
Rebecca: I will try to find it, just for you. :)
Techno: pretty sure that would result in a DEMERIT. But yeah.
Sarah: oh you devil you. I love #1 demerit: translation: "doesn't put out."
I will bring your attention to the Husband's #38 Merit.
By the way I am no longer 1218blog. I moved to wordpress. I am here now.
Thanks 1218, I will update my links. And yeah, interesting with a little bit of crazy on the side!
Yes, he was worthy of a full bore New York Times send off.
If I ain't gettin' any, no one else should be either *crossing arms*
I love red lipstick. What's breakfast? People get dressed? The only musical instument I play is my ipod. Does that count? If one is not late for an appointment how can one be fashionably late? And I sleep in on Sundays and's his turn to get up with the baby. I do it every other day.
Oh, thank goodness it's 2008!!!!