Platonic Friends

Not sure how true this is, because I have male platonic friends who have never, ever made a move on me, but "In case of emergency, break open glass" Cracked. Me. Up. (Short clip, 1:45, but Chris Rock so some salty language.)

Although... I did have dinner last year with a very long-term platonic male friend who told me he wasn't looking for a girlfriend/wife, he had enough female companionship, he was looking for someone to have meaningless sex with. I couldn't figure out if he meant me, if that's why he'd asked me to dinner. So I just told him the lasagna wasn't THAT good. I haven't heard from him since. Hmmm.


Anonymous said…
I've always loved that special, it's very funny!
Matt said…
Hmmm, I can make a wicked good lasagna...

(Wish it didn't give me heartburn)
Jenn-n-n said…
Whatcha sayin' Dal? Hmmmmm I wanna know. Becca IS Dal's lasagna THAT good do you think?

I haven't had a "good" meal in a while hehehe
Rebecca Foster said…
1218 and WW: Oh glad you think it's funny too. I downloaded it onto my iPod, I was cracking up on the plane.

Dal: well truth be told I don't really care for lasagna, but it was the only veggie thing on the menu. Thanks anyway!

Jenn: haha!
Technodoll said…
he he! i think it's easier for women to think of men in platonic terms than the other way around... men are always horny no matter what they say.

ps: chris rock(s)!

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