Texas Drink Troughs
This is one way cold drinks are stored in Texas gas stations. These troughs are usually full of beer, but also a few sodas for the kidlets/non-drinkers. I am always tempted to sneak a piece of ice to suck on; gross, I know, but when it's 100+ degrees for weeks on end, you don't pass up ice when you see it.
This post should also explain why hockey is not popular in South Texas. Ice? Ice is what keeps the beer cold. End of story.
You know I luv ya Becca!!!!!
Hey, where's the hay?
ww: well...it IS Texas. :)
cchw: are you trying make me cry? I hope you had some creamed corn for me! I love you too! So much!
Techno: All the convenience stores I went into in Montreal were so tiny. I think people would drop dead of shock to walk in and see a trough!