I always say there are two kinds of friends:

1. The ones you hang out with because it's convenient: you have the same job, or live in the same place, or share some common activity. You like them and enjoy their company and remember fondly your time spent together when you move on. But when it is no longer convenient to be together, you drift apart.

2. The ones that are still your cherished friends no matter where you live, what your job is, what new adventures you pursue, how much your tastes change or how you choose to live your life. When you move on, you take each other along. Your friendship shifts and adjusts to the new person you are becoming, but it doesn't falter or weaken. You still have the same affection, love and respect for them that you had when you first met them.

Today is a friend's birthday from the 2nd category. Our lives are wildly divergent, but I still like her more than most people I have ever met. Knowing her is still a joy, even after 20 years of friendship. (20!!!!!) I love that we as human beings are capable of this kind of attachment to one another. It is quite remarkable.


Jenn-n-n said…
Ooopsie... for a minute there I thought you were talking about me until I noticed the 20 yrs and today as the birthday !!! bad!

Happy Birthday to Becca's Friend!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

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