Bone Sucking

A couple of days ago the Dean of my department took us (the foreign teachers and a few Chinese staff) out to dinner. One of the specialties at this restaurant is a soup that is served with the meat bones broken in half, sticking up out of the pot. It is tradition to drink the marrow from the bones with a straw when the meal is over. I tried not to smile too big at the other foreign teachers when the Dean declined on my behalf because I am a vegetarian. Not that there's anything wrong with drinking marrow from bones with a straw but...I'll stick to Diet Coke with my dinner, thanks!

Also, one way to gauge how nice a restaurant is is by the type and availability of ashtrays at the table. This place had little individual glass ashtrays at every place setting. Very nice!


Technodoll said…
Two words... marrow and ashtrays.

One more word... YUCK!!

LOL I love how you take everything in stride :-D
The Bingham's said…
I think I would stick to the Diet Coke too!!
Jenn-n-n said…
*gag* Bone marrow is sooooo gross. It's so jelly like and slimy looking. It would be like sucking egg white up a straw and having it slither down your throat....NASTY!!!!!

On that note though, I bet ALL Chinese women swallow, cuz really, after sucking bones .... is swallowing really a bad thing????

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