Tips, plus Happiness

In China, you don't tip anyone. Not restaurant staff, not taxi drivers, not the hotel bellman. I still feel bad when I leave the table or the taxi without tipping, and I carried my own suitcases to the lobby rather than ask someone to do it whom I couldn't tip. I'm sure I'll get over it before I leave. And then feel grouchy when I return to America and have to leave tips again.

Also, I realized I didn't come here to be happy or enjoy myself, I came here to learn and help people. And ironically, I feel much better now that I don't expect to be happy here. I hope that will come, but if not, it will still be a good experience. Maybe people say their first year sucked, and the second year was really fun. So, perhaps that will be the case with me.


Technodoll said…
Did you ever get an explanation as to why tipping is not in chinese culture? Would be curious to know...
Lauriebelle31 said…
Perhaps your realization is a step towards gaining happiness in a far away country? Im not saying that it's easy being away from everything you know, love and understand...because it isnt. However this is one of the 'truths' I know...I know that even when something seems so hard, that you might just not get through it, you always do. Life isnt about where you end you up Becks...its the journey getting there. Maybe I needed to write that a lil more for myself than for anyone else at this moment :) Miss you much! Im waiting on one more thing to add into your lil package and then its off to you. When it will get there I have no clue :P
Amy said…
You seem like you're happy and having a great time in all your pictures. I think you're having an awesome experience and I'm incredibly jealous.

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