
A couple of random things:

1. You can't flush toilet paper in China, the sewer system is not built for it. So every bathroom has a little garbage can next to the toilet to dispose of used tissue. You throw the bag away every few days. In a related note, no, there is no Lysol here. I know.

2. You can smoke anywhere. I still get surprised at people smoking indoors. Today I had lunch at this little hole in the wall (the best food is at the hole in the walls) and the cook came out of the kitchen with a cigarette dangling from his lip. I love that my cook was dropping ashes while cooking my food. Seriously, it is so China! (They cook the food to boiling so I know it is germ free.)

3. You have to shove your way to the front to get on a bus, train, or light rail car. Foreigners are often shy about this at first, but I have become fearless. Today I squeezed a girl like a watermelon seed when she tried to cut in front of me. Haha, she thought I would be an easy target I am sure. NOT SO MUCH.

4. You can get a pedicure with painted pictures on your toenails for about $3.00. Another female Peace Corps volunteer took me last week as a little cheer me up. So now I have black toenails with pink cherry blossoms on them.


Technodoll said…
Amazing cultural differences, the more you look the more there are. And yet, we are still all human beings...

Love the pedi :-)
SherBear said…
Love the gorgeous toes, Rebecca! And what I like BEST is the price! So fun!! I'd go weekly!!
Matt said…
Just an FYI to Becca...

I got in finally!

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