Let's Get Physical, Jim

I've been waiting for the day Olivia Newton-John's Let's Get Physical would make an appearance on The Office. Friends, that day has come, and with it the return of The Office I know and love. We're only two episodes in, but so far this season is Killing It.

4th Season wasn't bad, it had some funny moments, but overall, I have to confess I don't even remember very much about it. But two episodes in, the 5th season is reminding me of seasons 2 and 3. Which is a very good thing. (Especially season 2, the high point I think.)

And the best part of course, Jim...making jokes, playing pranks, taking a stand with Pam. Here is my favorite Jim moment from Episode 2. If I could find a man like this...I would no longer be single.


Rebex said…
What is better than The Office, I ask you? Nothing! I sure LOVE that Jim. I was rolling when he pulled out the stopwatch. Awesome!

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