
You often see very small, elderly people here. And when I say small, I mean small: sometimes only 4 feet tall or so, most likely because of malnutrition they suffered as children. And when I see them, I never fail to feel a combination of sadness and awe: an estimated 30-70 million people died of starvation (and other reasons) between 1945 and the 1970's in China. These are the survivors. They might be tiny, but they have more strength than I hope I ever have to find out I have.


Jenn-n-n said…
WOW! I learned something from this post. I have always wondered why the older Chinese folk are so tiny, well a lot of them anyway. I never knew about the starvation. No kidding about them being survivors! Thanks for posting that Becca.
Technodoll said…
That is certainly something to think about... and to be grateful that life here in the western world is soooo easy.
The Bingham's said…
I too had no idea. That truely is amazing. That is a true survivor

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