
I don't know what causes it, but I love the day that your head and heart finally clear and you can say to yourself with confidence and clarity: that guy is a jerk and treated/treats me badly and I am worth more than that. And you see the small bones he throws at you for what they are. And then you have the liberating confidence and self-esteem to not ever want to speak to him again.

This short speech nails it. For the past year I've been able to relate to this character far too well. A movie can't change my life, but it sure can open your eyes a bit.


Jenn-n-n said…
AWESOME!!!! This is a WONDERFUL day!!!!
Lauriebelle31 said…
I love days like that, when you realize your 'worth'. Mucho love for you girlie!
where have I been? glad you know what you're worth!

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