Brutal Honesty Part III

A guy I barely knew in my city asked me to dinner, in 2009. We went, no chemistry (even as friends) from my point of view, so I was shocked when he asked me if I wanted to have dinner and watch a movie with him that weekend. Sometimes first dates just aren't great, so I said yes.

But then, on the bus ride home, I realized he meant eat dinner and watch a movie at his apartment. I didn't feel comfortable doing this because I barely knew him and there was a certain BCI to this request (Booty Call Implication-- thanks Community!), so when I got home, I asked him if he'd mind if we did something else instead, like go to a local historical site. I didn't explain why, I just asked.

He said no.

Cancelled the date altogether by saying "Nevermind. I'm not into [historical site]." And no offer of doing anything else instead.

Hmmm. Okay, so he's not here for my sparkling and charming personality!

I learned from my Brutal Honesty II experience that it is totally reasonable for me to say what I feel comfortable with and expect it to be respected and not feel guilty or hesitant about asserting my comfort boundaries. It was okay BHIII was asking me out for BCI. And it was also okay that I didn't want to go that route and said something to change what was happening. I was really glad for the chance to show myself I had learned that lesson.

I bet in the past, I'd have felt bad about what happened with BHIII guy, because I'd think, "Oh, I should have given him a chance to see what was up." No. There was no reason for me to do that. He told people after this all happened that he didn't like me as a person and wouldn't come to parties and events if I were going to be there. I didn't have any bad feelings for him; if he didn't want to get to know me, so what? I respect that. (And I'm sure some other girls wouldn't mind the BCI, but I was not that girl.) But acting that way because I didn't want to be his booty call? *shrug* That was his prerogative. I was just glad to know that his response didn't affect my decision to stand up for myself in this situation. I actually learned something from a difficult experience. Yay, life lessons!


yrautca said…
I think you did right. I have declined similar offers in the past. But I have also accepted such offers once in a while. I think its about chemistry. Sometimes having sex on a first date doesnt make you a slut - just very attracted.
myself said…
I'll agree with yrautca, depends on the situation and there are times that I would *absolutely not* take the offer, and other times that I have.

Good on you for knowing the difference.
Sandra said…
Many men are dumb, especially when it comes to sex.
And you stood up for yourself, so yay you! I think that's the best part of the post!
Busy Bee Suz said…
Those darn life lessons are just everywhere aren't they???
I am glad to know that you realized what a jerk he was and did not go for the BCI. I also can't believe that anyone would not want to hang out with you for your sparkling and charming personality!
Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, I don't know either! SO WEIRD. :)

I pass no judgment on those who do it, but yeah, for me, this guy, no.

Thanks Sandra! I'm happy about that too!
LL Cool Joe said…
I always found it dead easy to say no to situations I don't feel right about.
I have to say, I find this admirable and it's something I am continually working on both with dating and friendships. I have had a tendency to do things I am not comfortable with regularly in order to "give someone a chance" and not appear to be judgmental or whatever. It generally ends poorly and I don't want to continue to do this, so I'm working hard to stop. good for you for standing up for yourself!
Cristina HW said…
Ah, my dear, darling Rebecca, you are way too nice! How about he was just an idiot, and you're much better off? I get the part about mutual respect for each other's wants that night and all that...BUT hearing that he told others he doesn't want to be at a party you're going to be at or whatever? Pansy LOSER who couldn't accept rejection. let the door hit him on the way out! LOVE YOU!
Technodoll said…
Good lord, you averted a stinky one there! the nerve of that loser? :-o

It's the one nice thing about growing older eh? Experience. And self-worth. Yeah.

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