Forgiveness: Confidence and Security

There's no proof for this, but I think people can be good to other people because they have the confidence, self-esteem and security to reach out to and treat others well unconditionally. Conversely, we might treat others badly when we lack the confidence, the self-esteem or the security to be able to put their needs before our own.

When I hurt others, it has almost always been because of a lack of confidence, a feeling of insecurity, or not believing in myself. Friends have forgiven me, but I feel that pain of knowing I have hurt someone I cared about. I am grateful for the times my friends have forgiven me for my weaknesses and thoughtlessness.

I believe very few people set out to hurt others. But just like a drowning person will push anyone to the bottom to get their head out of water, so do some of us at times hurt someone else to try to save our own sense of self and ego, however misguided our actions are.

So my New Year's resolution is to try to develop the kind of confidence, self-esteem and security that allows me to be good to others unconditionally and never push someone under to 'save' myself.

That is all.


Technodoll said…
Happy New Year my dear friend!

Sounds like a good and reasonable goal, I know you'll kick butt at whatever you decide to do.

Me, I'm just trying to learn to swim! ;-)
Ileana said…
What a wise and thoughtful resolution...and a nice, thought-provoking post. I'll be trying not to hurt or offend others as well...although with all the drama queens in my life it may be tough. :)
LL Cool Joe said…
I agree, people with self confidence and self esteem are the ones that treat other people well. That corny old expression of having to love yourself before you can love others, is so true.
Busy Bee Suz said…
This made so much sense to me...and it is a wonderful goal to have! Happy new year!
cyclopseven said…
One of the enigmatic new year resolutions I have ever come across. You may stumble, but move on....true values never fade. God bless.
Stephanie said…
I thinkj you re dead right about this....I also am willing to bet you are the kind of person who are sweet to everyone you meet. Should be an easy resolution to keep! Happy New Years:)
Mandy said…
Such a great post and so wise. I think that this is a great goal to have. Happy New Year, friend!

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