I Talk Of Dreams...

...which are the children of an idle brain. (From Romeo and Juliet)

You know what's weird?  When you dream things you've never done in your waking life, and you like it.

I dreamt I was smoking. I don't smoke, never have, but in my dream I was enjoying it oh-so-much.  But how do I know what it feels like to smoke??  How does my brain invent this dream about something I have never done?! I don't get this, and it happens with more than just smoking.  Anyway, I was puffing away, chain smoking, and enjoying it immensely. *shrug*

I also have dreams I'm kissing people I've never kissed in real life. I always enjoy it. I want to tell them, "Obviously I think you'd be great to kiss" because that's a compliment, right? But then you have to admit you dream-kissed them. Awkward.

Dreams are full of crazy sauce.

Do you have dreams of things you've never done? Do you enjoy it?


LL Cool Joe said…
I don't remember many of my dreams at all but I do remember dreaming I kissed Madonna. That was some kiss. :D
Busy Bee Suz said…
Always. And sometimes I enjoy it.

There was this one time with George Clooney.....
Mandy said…
I do the same thing sometimes. I never gave it much thought though.
Technodoll said…
Oh meee toooo meee tooo! same with the smoking and kissing dreams - it's always pretty much freaked me out eh?

Glad to know I'm not alone :-D
Tracey Axnick said…
The strangest dreams are intimate dreams with men who I've never met and don't exist in real life. I simply create them in my dream life for one purpose. And yes, those are always very enjoyable.
(Paging Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud...)

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