Men With Badges Are Hot, AKA Licking Mulder (And Don Draper)
I like to use the word 'lick' to convey my attraction/desire for someone.
Mulder: after all these years, still very lickable.
This picture also reminds me: beard burn? Always worth it. (It also reminds of the pictures I never shared from last Halloween because I had beard rash in places other than my face.)
And this might be the military brat it me, but men with badges are hot. Even when they're not hot, they're still hot.
If Don Draper had a badge, I'd probably kitten-lick him to death. I mean, come on.
I use the word LICK too, but in a different way. When I see the girls touching something disugusting (nasty hand rails?) I often tell them: Well, you might as well lick that.
I agree about Mulder and Don Draper too.
He still has the "Draper Dick" magic goin' on though! LOL!
Well, that's what Vegas said.
He's delectable... (or de-lick-table...)