Unconventional Paths

I had a refreshing talk with my friend E. over the weekend. And let me digress and say, My stories from China often involve the guys because I saw them frequently and they were always up for shenanigans. But the guys will fade away from my life, it's inevitable. The girl friends I made there were fewer in number and I didnt see them as often, but they are rocks in my river of life. They are smart, beautiful, funny, kind and giving. The boys are fun to kiss! And hang out with! And make me laugh hard! But the girls-- R., N., E., C., and J: they are the people I want to become.

ANYWAY, E. and I were talking about taking the unconventional path in life; Peace Corps often attracts people who take the unconventional path, each in our own way. When you take an unconventional path, you have to make your own markers of success, contentment, happiness, etc. How do you do this? Where do the markers come from? It can be stressful at times, having to choose and gauge and live by your own markers when society throws the traditional ones at you, constantly. It can also sometimes suck when you know people are judging you by traditional markers. E. is very wise. I realized talking to her, it's not a bad thing to have to forge your own path. It can be very exciting!

There are some guys I've been out with who are really good guys, but their conventionality means any chance for us is doomed. I've kept in touch with some of them, and although I'm really happy for their success, I'm also secretly relieved and thrilled their life isn't how mine turned out. Phew!

I love my unconventional friends. Not only are they pretty cool human beings, they teach me just how fulfilling it can be to take your own path.


Stephanie said…
Unconventional friends are the best ones to have! They keep life interesting:)
Busy Bee Suz said…
You and your unconventional friends are interesting and inspirational!!!
Mandy said…
I've found that the path less traveled is always much more fun to take, lots more room for error, for wandering, for discovering, for seeing sights never seen before.

I'm glad that you've chosen an unconventional path and that our paths have crossed.
I love this post. I took the conventional path first, and it didn't work for me. So, here I am being my own version of unconventional. I feel more "me" and certainly happier. It makes me happy to hear of other people who have done the same.
Tracey Axnick said…
Isn't friendship one of the sweetest, most lovely (and frequently surprisingly) parts of life? I think of the many friends I've had over the years.... how very different they are... and how they have enriched my life in so many ways.
I'm thankful for each and every one of them.

And I'm also thankful for the meandering river that is life... ALWAYS unpredictable, and never boring. :)

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