York City, New and My Upcoming Vacation

The best Y in the world is New York City.

As I've said before, Shanghai is more developed and other cities have more history and beautiful architecture, but New York has a flavor and spirit like nowhere else I've been. 

I've booked my plane ticket and hotel reservations for my trip to NYC and Boston in March; I'll be gone a full 8 days, 4 days in each city. I'm going to spend time with friends from my time in China, and I'm really excited to go to the Chinatowns in Flushing and Manhattan. And of course, I have to go to Washington Heights and see my favorite bridge and walk those interesting streets. In Boston, we are doing the whole St. Patrick's day celebration thing, and I want to go on the Boston Haunted Walk. Other than that, playing it by ear. So many possibilities for fun! 

When I'm in NYC, I always eat mounds of falafel. Looking forward to eating many deeleeciours foods. And being in a crowded city again. Salt Lake City is beautiful, but it's just empty compared to Chongqing. I miss the mass of people around me all the time. 

If you want to see some pictures I've taken in NYC, you can find them here. This is a big mess of pictures, but something might catch your eye. 

Only one letter post left! I'll try to make it a good one. 


Busy Bee Suz said…
I am so excited for your upcoming trip. I know YOU love those big cities with crowds of people (I am the opposite) So you will have a blast.
I do want to visit Boston one day though.
Did you see the movie: The Town? Those Boston accents kill me...so interesting.
Good luck with Z!
LL Cool Joe said…
I went to New York City last year and it was great, but like Busy Bee Suz, I avoid cities as much as possible.

Hope you have a wonderful time!
Technodoll said…
No doubt about it, you are the quintessential city girl!! ;-)

I know you'll have a smashing time - half the fun is counting down the days so really, the fun begins now doesn't it?

Tee hee!

LOVE falafel!
M said…
pleaaaaase say something about ZOOLANDER! :D
Ileana said…
I miss NYC and all of NY state actually. Lucky you traveling to the Northeast for a full 8 days and celebrating St. Patrick's Day with old friends. I'd LOVE to do that...and I shall live vicariously through you when you go!
Stephanie said…
Oh how exciting! I went to NYC a few years ago and just loved it! You are going to have the best time catching up with old friends in the city that never sleeps:)
Ooh! I have some great suggestions for Boston restaurants if you needs some. The boy is a food photographer and is freelancing for Boston Mag....so we've tried some great food!

Have a great time!

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